The vision of television just got better. Your audience will see and feel the difference. THE LOOKS OF HD
HD LOOKS BETTER. As with film, even when finished and released in standard
definition television, downconverted High Definition images are noticeably
superior to footage shot in any traditional video format. Finished in HD
and viewed on an HD monitor, the widescreen images are simply astonishing.
HD HAS A BIGGER IMPACT ON AUDIENCES. The aims of documentary / training
videos and Public Service Announcements are to entertain, move audiences,
convey information, and persuade. With professional lighting and camerawork,
HD has a clarity, detail, and color which carry through to the final
product. Stories told with HD images have an impact on viewers which is not
possible in economy formats. HD programs are more beautiful and powerful,
convey more information, and hold viewersı attention longer.
HD RETAINS ITS VALUE LONGER. Part of the value of any video production is
the raw archival footage which can be re-used in future programs. As the
viewing public moves toward acceptance of widescreen, digital, and high
definition images, HD footage retains its usefulness for the next decade,
while ordinary footage suffers serious degradation when up-converted to HD
formats. Many broadcast networks require HD masters of programs they buy.
since 1981, HD is a mature medium. In the field, portable HD cameras are
rugged and light weight -- similar in size to Betacam, sensitive under low
light. The same camera can be outfitted for studio use, and in linear and
non-linear editing suites, HD VCRıs can provide letterboxed, edge-cropped
4x3, or anamorphic widescreen images for finishing in standard definition.
HD IS A BETTER INVESTMENT. The costs of shooting in HD are not much higher
than shooting in ordinary broadcast formats like BetacamSP, Digital Betacam,
or high end DV formats. And the cost for HDıs filmlike images are far lower
than 16mm and 35mm film. With its moderate cost, superior color and image,
power to reach audiences, and long shelf life, HD simply offers more value.